
Software development request

Please fill out this form when you need us to develop software for a project or experiment. Before you fill this out, make sure you explored the experiment repository and make sure that no experiment exists that already fits your specific needs.

This form is primarily meant to streamline the requests for Zep scripts. However, we also develop software in other programming languages.

After submitting the form one of the software developers will contact you to further discuss the project.

Projects which are not related to ILS will only be processed after due deliberation. Please contact ILS Labs management if you are not affiliated to the ILS Labs but still require software to be developed for an experiment.

Personal Information

(if applicable)

Project Description

To have some context we would like to know a bit more about the project it will be used for. Is the software meant for an experiment? If so, what is your research question?

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

If you have any documents that are related to the (research) project please include them (e.g the research proposal). Please do not upload large stimuli files! However an excel format with your stimuli is welcomed.

Software Description

Please describe the properties of the software
Programming language such as C, PHP, Matlab/SPSS scripting.
What is the typical flow of the program?
Please provide a rough sketch in words or a drawing what is to be shown at the trials test page!

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

Please provide a very simple drawing of how the test page layout should look like.
How does a typical trial go? Please pay special attention to the timings!
What kind of output are you expecting and should be saved for analysis?

Hardware Description

Please describe the properties of the hardware that will be used
Zep, and other programs, can work with multiple monitors and usually it is very handy to be able to provide feedback to the researcher about the progress of the participant in the experiment.
Please specify any additional information
How are participants to respond?

To conclude...

If you have any comments, you're welcome to add these here.