Running a Baby EEG experiment: checklist
Last updated on 6 August 2021 by Ty Mees
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This is a general checklist for both infant EEG experiments. For more the adult version of the checklist, please see Running an EEG experiment: Piloting your Experiment.
In the control room:
- Turn on the Recording and the Presentation computers, and turn on all the screens.
- In K.13: the screens are turned on by turning on the ‘Main Power’ plugbox (on the right of the desk).
- Select an infant movie to play (if applicable).
- In K.13: Set the video switch to the correct screen.
- Turn on the speakers
- In K.02: (in the cabin) turn on the speakers you want by turning on the corresponding plug box in the cabin.
- In K.13: Turn on the desired amplifier and set the audio switch to corresponding amplifier
- Before the participant is in the lab, run the experiment once to check whether sound and visual stimuli work well.
In the test room:
- Check the battery power; if the battery is somewhat empty it’s recommended you switch out the battery with the spare one in the control room (which should be full).
- You can check the battery level through ActiView, or by connecting it to the charger. If the charger gives you a green light, it’s good to go. If it’s orange, you should only use it if the other battery is empty as well.
- Connect the battery to the amplifier (EEG and ABR experiments use different modules/amplifier): connect 4 sides. Lift the black connector slightly until you hear a click, then close gently. Finally connect the battery to the amplifier with the blue connector in the front.
- Put gel into syringe
- Get one EEG cap (there’s a size-chart in the closet containing the caps)
- Get the electrodes bundle (32 Channel)
- Turn on the air humidifier (only in K.13)
- Check the sound level using the audiometer. A loudness of 65 dB is recommended for the sound stimuli.
- Put the sound absorbing towel on top of the table
- Put the toys on the table (if applicable)
- Optional: prepare the cap in advance
Receive the participant
For infant experiments:
- Welcome the parent and the baby in the waiting area (K.01). Take them to the lab
- Switch off your mobile phone and make sure the participant does the same.
- Have the participant remove any jewelry (e.g. necklaces or earrings).
- Put a little bit of gel on the baby’s wrist.
- Explain to the parent what the experiment is about and what is expected of them/what they can expect. Tell the parents:
- Don’t let the baby pull the hat or the electrodes.
- Don’t talk during the experiment.
- If the baby gets fuzzy, you can stop at any time.
- Check the baby’s wrist for allergic reactions. If absent, continue with the experiment.
Start the experiment
In the test room:
- Clean the skin behind the participant’s ear with a cotton pad with alcohol.
- Put EXG1 on the left mastoid and EXG2 on the right mastoid, connect these two electrodes to the amplifier in the drawer.
- Put on the cap.
- Put gel into all electrodes.
- Connect electrodes to the corresponding holes in the cap and to the amplifier.
- Turn on the amplifier and check the blue light.
In the control room:
- Click the BioSemi icon on the Recording PC desktop in the control room.
- Click “start” on the BioSemi window, you should see all the electrodes now.
- Check impedance: go to tab “electrode offset”, set the scale on the left to 50mv, and all the blue bars should be in the range ±25mv.
- Set reference to Cz: go to the tab “monopolar display”. On the left of the screen, click “Free choice” under “Reference”, and use the menu below to select Cz.
- Click “Start File” at the right bottom of the BioSemi window.
- Type in the participant’s information and save in your data folder.
- Click “pause save”, otherwise you are not recording!
- Open OBS Studio and click ‘Start recording’.
- On Presentation PC, open the experiment file, click run.
- Fill in the name of the participant in the pop up window “Enter Subject Name/ID”, in the same format as in ActiView (Recording PC).
- Use Enter key on the keyboard to start experiment. Use Esc if you want to abort the experiment.
- On the Recording PC, check whether triggers are sent. If not, call lab support.
After the experiment (infants)
- Ask if the parent wants to wash their baby’s head.
- Collect consent form from the parent.
- Give the baby the gift (if applicable).
- Reimburse travel expenses.
- Ask for remaining questions.
- Clean the cap and electrodes
- Always use lukewarm water
- Never let electrodes sit under running water!
- Put away the toys and the cushion (if applicable)
- Fill in the experiment report